Elective Courses

Elective Courses

Elective Courses in the Three Tracks
The elective courses can be chosen from the following three major tracks in the EIL program:
▶ English Linguistics
▶ English Language Instruction
▶ Language Assessment and Evaluation

Students can concentrate on only one track of their interest, but a combination of the tracks is also welcome. Below is a short introduction to each track together with its suggested set of elective courses.

Other courses include seminars, individual study, directed readings, directed research and current trends in each specialization.

🔎 Track 1: English Linguistics (EL)
🔎 Track 2: English Language Instruction (ELI)
🔎 Track 3: Language Assessment and Evaluation (LAE)

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EIL Office, Rm.1327 Boromrajakumari Building, Chulalongkorn University
02 218 4658
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