Degree Programs
M.A. Program

M.A. Program

Degree: Master of Arts (MA)
Qualifications of applicants
1. Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree with a GPA of no less than 2.7
2. S/he should have aTOEFL (iBT) score of at least 80 or CU-TEP score of at least 80 or 6.5 on
the IELTS (Academic).

Required Documents
1. Three letters of recommendation from instructors and/or immediate supervisors
2. A valid English proficiency certificate, i.e., TOEFL (IBT), or IELTS, or CU-TEP
For online application for and further information about CU-TEP, please
visit http://www.atc.chula.ac.th/

Admission Application Documents
1. Application form with 2 photographs attached
2. Photocopy of previous degrees
3. Photocopy of certificates/diploma
4. Official transcripts from universities previously attended
5. Photocopy of Identification Card or Passport
6. TOEFL, or IELTS, or CU-TEP results
7. Recommendations from three unrelated persons who are able to evaluate
your academic and/or professional abilities
8. Biographical essay
9. Photocopy of bank transfer for application fee

Application Procedures
• Fill in the online application https://www.register.gradchula.com/home
• Please download the application form at www.grad.chula.ac.th and submit the completed
application form, including relevant documents to the EIL office.
• For programs that can be applied on-line via the graduate school’s system only.
• Kindly ensure all the pieces of information provided in the online application form via the
admission system (www.grad.chula.ac.th) are correct and complete.

M.A. Program

Plan A
Plan B
(Individual Study)
Required Courses9 credits
(= 3 courses)
9 credits
(= 3 courses)
Required Elective Courses3 credits
(= 1 course)
3 credits
(= 1 course)
Elective Courses12 credits
(= 4 courses)
21 credits
(= 7 courses)
Thesis12 credits3 credits
(= 1 courses)
Total36 credits36 credits

*Comprehensive examination and a published paper

© EIL – All Rights Reserved 2021
EIL Office, Rm.1327 Boromrajakumari Building, Chulalongkorn University
02 218 4658
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